Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Sickness

I hate being sick.

I hate it.

You may think my saying that is redundant, because, doesn't everyone hate being sick? The answer to that question, is no. There are seriously people who enjoy the attention they get for being sick. At least that's how it seems to me.

In case you were wondering, I am sick. And everyone at work is avoiding me like the plague. I am not a leper people! I don't have a fever! Don't leave me alone....

After spending a whole day on my couch with a roll of toilet paper (I was out of Kleenex, don't judge) and an almost full carton of Orange Juice supplied by my empathetic roommate, I have a renewed appreciation for work. There's a cabinet full of Kleenex boxes! It's like they never end! Tissue paradise!!!!

...Time for a new box..

This is literally how I feel right now. And look, obviously...
(photo credit: I-MaK)

I just felt like complaining a little...

The Super Bowl has come and gone again. After the flurry of excitement it has come to a sad and disappointing end. This may be considered a holiday, or a second Christmas for the menfolk but believe you me, it's much, much worse. And this year, it was a blood bath.

I didn't watch it.

I can probably guess what your thinking at this very moment, I am thinking the same thing. Why write about something I didn't even witness? I'll tell you, and the beginning of this blog and my future rant are about to come together like the concrete and a clumsy fat kids face...

Football is sick.  And it makes me sick. I mean, seriously, when you can't rely on a stinkin' Manning to dish out sweet, ice cold revenge on the team that crushed the dreams of an entire Bay Area...What has football become? That's right, I'm a NINERS FAN. Stupid. So stupid. I don't even like football...

I bet the half-time show was super lame (again) too. I am glad I didn't watch.


Sunday not wasted.


....I wonder if the half-time show is on YouTube....


...I'm out...

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