Friday, September 19, 2014

To You, Future Me.

There has been quite a bit of baby buzz around me lately. Many a time through my life, in reference to parenting,  I have said things like "I would never..." or "they should...". But wouldn't I? And should they? What real knowledge do I have in raising kids? Next to none. Not being a parent, but a nursery worker, I thought I could write to my future self today in case I forget how I want to raise my kids. I am sure every parent has a set of ideals for themselves so I want to keep a reminder of sorts for myself for when I am sure to forget.

If any parents who are struggling with their own little [fallen] angels find this helpful, horrible, or delightful, then I will pray for you. Seriously, you parents need all the prayer you can get. I know, I have parents, and they need your prayers. I have three siblings....

Anyway, I shall begin.

Hey There Taniya,

So, you thought you were smart, huh? You went and had a kid/kids. You foolish fool. Are you having fun, yet? Oh, I can just see it. Your spawn is kicking you in the grocery store because you won't get him a stupid toy gun or something and his little sister just threw up in your purse (assuming you had more than one kid). Cute. So cute. And as the sweat is dripping down your forehead, and onlookers ogle your harum-scarum brood, you are whispering empty threats into the ear of your stripling. This is where I am going to have to step in. Don't you remember the stifling fear that would creep up your spine and the sinking feeling in your gut that your mother would instill with a mere eyebrow lift? Recall for me, if you will, the eyes filled with terror in the innocent faces of your kin. A look so real, and so genuine, and entirely brought on by the boredom driven mind within you. I am not condoning past behavior, by any means. The traumatizing of your little brother and sister was a bit much, and by law, over the line as the disciplinary means of your children. But let's not throw the baby out with the scum filled bath water. 

Let's take a look at your options. Firstly, you could walk away from the store, leaving your full grocery cart in a random aisle, grab your little hellions, and cry in your debris laden car (some things never change) all the way home. This option is not ideal. Your letting him win, in a way. He won't get what he wants, but neither will you. Then you will have to explain to your husband why your going out for dinner again this month. I am not sure, since I never met him, but I'm guessing this would not make him happy. So now no one is happy. Now, let's take a look at option two. Buy the brat his toy. Seems like a pretty good option, right? He stops crying, people stop staring, your anxiety will start to ebb, you'll go home make dinner and all will be well, right? Wrong. Is that the precedence you want to set with your kids? Give in to every whim just to keep him quiet? Fast forward 10 years and you have a disrespectful punk who tells you how, when, and where your going to serve him. You think you'll be able to tell him no then, but you won't. You'll cave, just like your thinking about doing now. Stay strong! There is another way. The bible gives us wonderful instructions on child rearing;

Proverbs 23:14
"Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell." KJV

Poetry. Pure and unadulterated poetry. So, here's my plan for you. Stand up straight. Make your way to the cash register. Grab a baby wipe out of your sick laden purse and begin to wipe the mess away. Grab your kicking kid gently (you are in public), pay for your groceries and get home. Discipline should be rendered lovingly, remember. Also, make absolute certain that your young'un knows why he is receiving his timely punishment. No doubt you will feel bad, but so will he. You will both move on and be better for it. I'm sure of that. Now, suck up those tears. You are going to be fine. 

Love Me (you, but younger, and without kids)

P.S. Maybe wait a little longer before adding a third to the tribe, huh?